Giorgi Akhvlediani Society for the History of Linguistics

Workshop on linguistic and cognitive aspects of quantification

We are pleased to announce a workshop on linguistic and cognitive aspects of quantification, to be held at the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest on October 16-17, 2015.

Deadline for submission: May 31, 2015

Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2015

Conference date: October 16-17, 2015

We invite talks presenting the results of research into the interaction of the grammar and the lexicon of quantification and numerical-logical cognition in child and adult language, based on the investigation of individual languages and on comparative studies. Specific issues which have generated important research recently include the interpretation of numerals (e.g., the emergence of the at least n vs. exactly n reading), the interpretation of quantifiers, scalar implicatures, quantifier spreading, scope interactions, the interpretation of linguistic vs. symbolic representations of quantification, the encoding and the interpretation of distributivity, the encoding and the interpretation of exhaustivity, the role of pragmatics in quantifier interpretation, etc. 

The workshop aims to foster discussion and collaboration among researchers working on the linguistic, psycholinguistic, and cognitive aspects of quantification, testing speakers of different languages, using various experimental paradigms and theoretical frameworks.


Invited Speakers

Yosef Grodzinsky (University of Jerusalem): Quantifier Polarity, Numerosity, and Verification Procedures: Experimental Explorations


Irina Sekerina (City University New York): What Eye Movements Reveal About Quantifier-Spreading


Abstracts are solicited on any topic related to the theme of the conference.


If you have any questions about the workshop, please feel free to contact the organizers at the following e-mail address: