Lexicology and lexicography: Historiographical approaches
Call for papers
The 2015 Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society of Linguistic Ideas will take place at the Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano del Garda (Italy), from Wednesday 16thÃÂ September to Saturday 19thÃÂ September. As usual, contributions on any aspect on the history of linguistics are welcome, as are ideas for panel discussions or thematic sessions. Papers dealing with the history of lexicography and lexicology are especially welcome. The annual Leslie Seiffert Memorial Lecture will be given by John Considine (University of Alberta, Edmonton), on the topic Challenges and boundaries in the universal history of lexicography.
Submission of abstracts by 31stJanuary, 2015.
Please send an email to Giovanni Iamartino (giovanni.iamartino@unimi.it) with an attachment giving the title, type of contribution, and an abstract (max. 250 words); your name should not appear in the attachment. In the body of your email please indicate your full contact address and the title of your paper, discussion or thematic session. Papers are expected to be of 20 minutes (+10 minutes discussion time). The deadline for submissions isÃÂ 31stJanuary, 2015.
Notification of acceptance will be made by early March, 2015.
For further information about the society see the Henry Sweet Society websiteÃÂ https://www.henrysweet.org. Information about accommodation and travel, as well as updates on the colloquium, will be posted there. Registration will open in Spring 2015.