The 7th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2015), a meeting organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland in cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, will take place on November 27-29, 2015.
- Deadline for submission of papers for review:September 10, 2015
- Acceptance/Rejection notification:October 1, 2015
Call for Papers:
Since the very beginning (1995) the meetings of the LTC series continue to address Human Language Technologies (HLT) as a challenge for computer science, linguistics and related fields.
Conference topics: cf.
Language: English
- Deadline for submission of final versions of accepted papers:October 15
- Conference:November 27-29, 2015
- LTC affiliated workshops:see the sections corresponding to respective workshops
- The list of conference topics includes the following (the ordering is not significative):
- Ã
- communicative intelligence
- computational semantics
- computer modeling of language competence
- corpora-based methods in language engineering
- electronic language resources and tools
- formalization of natural languages
- HLT related policies
- HLT standards and best practices
- HLTs as support for e-learning
- HLTs as support for foreign language teaching
- HLTs as support in solving Homeland Security problems (technology applications and legal aspects)
- knowledge representation
- language-specific computational challenges for HLTs (especially for languages other than English)
- legal issues connected with HLTs (problems and challenges)
- Logic Programming in Natural Language Processing
- man-machine NL interfaces
- methodological issues in HLT
- NL applications in robotics
- NL understanding by computers
- NL user modeling
- NLP methods in cyber-criminality detection and prevention
- parsing and other forms of NL processing
- question answering
- sentiment, opinion and emotion analysis
- speech processing
- system prototype presentations
- technological aspects of nonverbal linguistics
- text-based information retrieval and extraction
- tools and methodologies for developing multilingual systems
- translation enhancement tools
- validation in all areas of HLTs
- visionary papers in the field of HLT
- WordNet-like ontologies
This list is by no means closed and we are open to further proposals. Please do not hesitate to contact us in order to feed us with your suggestions and ideas of how to satisfy your expectations concerning the program. The Program Committee is also open to suggestions concerning accompanying events (workshops, exhibits, panels, etc). Suggestions, ideas and observations may be addressed directly to the LTC Chair by email(