18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics.
ICEHL18 takes place in Leuven, Belgium, 14-18 July 2014 (academic programme 14-17 July, social programme 18 July).
Deadline: November 30, 2013
www:ÃÃÂ https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/ling/ICEHL18/call-for-papers
It is organized by theÃÃàLinguistics DepartmentÃÃÃàof theÃÃÃàKU Leuven, with support from the DÃÃÃépartement des langues et littÃÃÃératures modernes of theUniversitÃÃÃé de LiÃÃÃège.
Abstracts for General Session papers and posters can be submitted from 1 May to 30 November 2013 through the abstract submission facilityEasyAbsÃÃÃÃÂ (see alsoÃÃÃÃÂ Submission of abstracts).
Abstracts for workshops need to be sent to the workshop convenor by 30 September; after acceptance of the workshop, abstracts need to be submitted throughÃÃÃÃÂ EasyAbsÃÃÃÃÂ by 30 November 2013 (see alsoÃÃÃÃÂ Workshops). Notifications of acceptance of all abstracts will be sent out by 15 February 2014.
Abstracts should not exceed 400 words (exclusive of references) and should clearly state research questions, approach, method, data and (expected) results. Abstracts should also list up to five keywords.
Registration for the conference opens on February 15, 2014.